Team building

Competitive rates for comfortable and stylish rooms. Book now to enjoy an unforgettable experience. Discover our special offers.

Team building at Delta Marina, in Sfântul Gheorghe sounds extremely good! It is a beautiful location to spend time with the team and develop stronger bonds between colleagues.

We offer a room for 40 people indoors and a generous outdoor gazebo. We provide a coffee break and a snack and the culinary experience will be unforgettable.

It’s a great opportunity for your team to spend time in nature and enjoy the Delta’s spectacular scenery.

Organizing a team building event at Delta Marina sounds like an incredible experience! With its spectacular landscape and rich nature, the Danube Delta offers a variety of activities perfect for team building and creating unforgettable memories.

From boat trips and bird watching to orienteering activities or even environmental conservation projects, you have countless opportunities to connect and have fun together.

Make sure you have a plan in place to make the most of this unique experience!


Enjoy authentic team building moments in our gallery of images full of energy and collaboration.
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